January 16, 2023

What We're About

As Christian parents, it’s our job to lead our children to know what it looks like to follow Christ. From attending church to our family dynamics, each aspect of our lives paints a picture of what we think of God and how we think He wants us to live.

Have you ever thought “I wish I had a blueprint for what it looks like to live like Christ?” We know we sure have! Besides the most important tool we have—God’s Word—we wanted a tangible, constant reference to point both ourselves and our children to throughout our week. That’s why we created 26 Biblical Family Virtues.

A secure foundation.

The world and its culture are shifting, and we must be rooted and grounded in something concrete. No matter your background—raised in Christian culture, coming to Christ later in life, strong family unit or not—you’re wanting your children to be prepared and for their Christian foundation to be secure.

We’re sure you know plenty of people with your same background who either walked away from Jesus or never came to know Him in the first place. How did that happen? Where along their journey did they start to question things?

If you took your Christian upbringing at face value or not, can the God you’ve defined withstand questioning? Besides seeking Him and truly coming to know Him in His fullness, and defining Him according to His Word, we want to equip our children to live and defend their Christian faith. How can we solidify our children’s beliefs and prepare them for the future?

Biblically Centered is aiming to solidify who God is, what it looks like to live a Christian life, and then extends that into the area of apologetics.

Your hope for your children.

We know that your hope for your children is that they become strong believers. That they would have a core foundation rooted and built upon God’s Word.

When they (and you) have questions, we want to lead them back to God’s Word. Our struggle should never be apart from what God tells us plainly in His Word.

As we instill God’s Word into them at a young age, we are helping them be able to think through, debate, and challenge anything they face with a biblical worldview. Our hope is that we have discussions with our children early so they learn to trust God’s Word and to seek Him on their own.

Parenting is intentional.

You’re a parent, you know that parenting is an intentional act. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) While this isn’t a direct promise it is a “rule of thumb.”

You have the ability to show your children a concrete example of what it looks like to follow Christ and to give a defense for what you believe. “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15)

Live like Christ.

Biblical Family Virtues pair God’s Word with classical virtues that have real depth of meaning so that everyone in your family can clearly understand what it looks like to “live with Christ.”

Here at Biblically Centered we are excited to have conversations with other Christian parents. We want to understand God and what He’s like and how we should display that to others. We also know that it’s important to develop Godly virtues in ourselves so that we can better raise Godly children. When we display Christ, we shall surely see that overflowing in their lives as well.

About Biblically Centered

We want to help equip your family with knowledge and conversations for you to live and defend your Christian faith.

In recent years, we kept seeing people with our same background walk away from Jesus. In order to prepare our children for the shifting world and culture, we knew we needed to solidify our children's biblical worldview so they will be prepared for the future.

We know it's important to show your children what it means to "live like Christ." We hope that you are inspired to do that with our Biblical Family Virtues.

We reside in Kansas with our 3 children (ages 7, 5, 3). We enjoy being outside and having occasional dance parties.

Blessings, Danika & Jonny Jordan