January 29 – February 4, 2024

Virtue E: We Exercise Self-Control

Get ready for an upcoming week that promises to be both exciting and enlightening for you and your little ones as we embark on a special journey to explore the virtue of self-control. Understanding and practicing self-control is crucial from an early age, and there’s no better time to start than now. Next week, we have planned an array of activities, discussions, and stories designed to help your kids recognize, understand, and apply the power of self-control in their daily lives.

Monday: Introduction to Self-Control

We will kick off the week by introducing the concept of self-control. Through fun activities and engaging discussions, your kids will learn how self-control acts like a superhero power, helping us make wise choices and resist temptations. Just like superheroes need to train to use their powers effectively, we too need to practice self-control to become better at it.

Tuesday: Self-Control in Action

On the second day, we will bring the concept of self-control to life by delving into biblical stories that showcase this virtue in action. The story of Daniel in the lions' den will be our main focus, highlighting how his steadfast faith and self-control under pressure led to his miraculous survival. This story isn’t just about courage; it’s a powerful lesson in maintaining one’s beliefs and actions, even when faced with the toughest challenges.

Thursday: The Role of the Holy Spirit

We have dedicated the fourth day to understanding the Holy Spirit's role in helping us practice self-control. Through the story of Jesus being tempted, your kids will see a clear example of relying on divine strength to resist temptations. Jesus' responses to temptation were a perfect demonstration of using self-control, guided by the Holy Spirit, to make choices that align with God's will.

How to Make it Stick

1. Daily Reflections

Encourage your kids to reflect on their day every evening during the upcoming week. Discuss moments when they had to use self-control and how they felt about their choices. This daily check-in can help them become more aware of their actions and decisions.

2. Role-Playing Scenarios

Together, create hypothetical scenarios that might challenge their self-control, such as dealing with a difficult sibling or deciding whether to share their favorite snacks. Role-play these scenarios, discussing possible outcomes and the importance of making wise choices.

3. Set Goals Together

Work with your children to set personal goals related to self-control. These can be as simple as finishing homework before playing video games or saving a portion of their allowance. Celebrate their successes and support them through challenges.

4. Practice Gratitude

Encourage your kids to express gratitude daily. Recognizing and appreciating what they have can help build self-control by shifting focus away from immediate desires.

5. Lead by Example

Children learn a lot by observing the adults around them. Show them what self-control looks like in your own life. Share your experiences, including the struggles and how you overcome them.

Continue the Journey

Next week is just the beginning of a journey towards understanding and mastering self-control. By engaging in these conversations and practices at home, you’re not only reinforcing what will be learned but also helping your children develop a foundation for a virtuous life.

We look forward to inspiring you and your family to embrace the virtue of self-control with open hearts and minds. Here's to growing together, one wise choice at a time.

Jonny & Danika Jordan

About Biblically Centered

We want to help equip your family with knowledge and conversations for you to live and defend your Christian faith.

In recent years, we kept seeing people with our same background walk away from Jesus. In order to prepare our children for the shifting world and culture, we knew we needed to solidify our children's biblical worldview so they will be prepared for the future.

We know it's important to show your children what it means to "live like Christ." We hope that you are inspired to do that with our Biblical Family Virtues.

We reside in Kansas with our 3 children (ages 7, 5, 3). We enjoy being outside and having occasional dance parties.

Blessings, Danika & Jonny Jordan