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February 1, 2023

Parenting Takes Effort

It also takes a knowledge of purpose and outcome. This is something I have to remind myself often. The purpose of my husband's and I's parenting is to mold our children into the likeness of Christ—and at the same time it's to remove attitudes and actions from our lives that doesn't reflect Christ. It's both and. Not either or. In parenting our children, we also realize that we have to allow God to parent us too.


January 16, 2023

Biblical Virtue

As we ask ourselves, “What kind of person do I want to be?” We want our response (and our children’s) to be, “I want to be like Jesus Christ.” Who we are should be rooted in the context of Jesus.

Having a foundation of virtue gives us confidence to live a life pleasing to God. Developing biblical virtue leads us to God’s Word and challenges us to seek Him in every aspect of our lives.

January 16, 2023

What We're About

As Christian parents, it’s our job to lead our children to know what it looks like to follow Christ. From attending church to our family dynamics, each aspect of our lives paints a picture of what we think of God and how we think He wants us to live.
Have you ever thought “I wish I had a blueprint for what it looks like to live like Christ?” We know we sure have! Besides the most important tool we have—God’s Word—we wanted a tangible, constant reference to point both ourselves and our children to throughout our week. That’s why we created 24 Biblical Family Virtues.

Know what's coming up.

Every week, we guide your family through 1 of our 26 Biblical Family Virtues. Be prepared with what's ahead and questions and information to engage your family.

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